Breakfast/ Snacks

Breakfast Granola Pizza

If there was on thing I could eat without having to worry about my tummy blowing up like a balloon and going into one big spasm it would be pizza. Pizza with all the garlic and all the cheese!

You might wonder where my intro’s come from, or maybe not? I just type as the thoughts come into my head so it may at times little random, I prefer to call it natural and completely unscripted, raw if you will!

This granola pizza is so easy to make as well as utilising some simple store cupboard staples. I’ve been meaning to make one of these for ages but just never quite got around to it. Rather than using already sweetened store bought granola I made the base with granola like ingredients, less the nuts, seeds and any other mix ins. The base is simple, delicious and wholesome. Oats bound with some banana puree, nut butter and either egg or a flax egg, baked until golden around the edges. Once cool its got an amazing texture, crunchy and chewy in all the right places and perfectly slice-able and pick-up-able to boot!

I topped mine with dairy free Nush Foods almond yogurt, but you could use Greek yogurt for a bit of a protein hit. Whatever fruits you fancy and some superfood sprinkles of choice..cacao nibs, hemp seeds, bee pollen. There is a whole host of endless possibilities!

Granola Breakfast Pizza

Print Recipe
By Serves: 1- 2 Prep Time: 10 mins Cooking Time: 20 Minutes


  • 7g milled flaxseed + 3 tbsp water (60ml egg whites or 1 whole egg)
  • 100g jumbo oats
  • 1/4 tsp baking powder
  • 15g all natural almond or peanut butter
  • 15ml maple syrup
  • 60g banana puree
  • Fruit, yogurt and superfood sprinkles to serve!



Preheat oven to 180C (350F).


Mix together flax and water if using and set to one side for 10 minutes until "eggy" in consistency.. If use a whole egg whisk separately before combining all ingredients.


Mix together all ingredients in a bowl including the flax egg or egg of choice!


Line a baking tray with parchment paper.


Spread the base evenly to create a round flat pizza like shape approximately 7 - 8 inches in diameter.


Bake for 20 minutes in the preheated oven.


Allow to cool before topping or it can be served warm if eating straight away.


You can make the base a night in advance and then top with yogurt and fruit of choice before serving the next morning!

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