Breakfast/ Dessert/ Snacks

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chia Protein Energy Pudding

Is it odd to say I’m a little tired of oats, waffles and pancakes? I say that today and I’ll be right back on them tomorrow! It is nice to switch breakfast up a bit every now and then and this chocolate chia pudding is equally as a grand as a dessert, afternoon snack or alternative lunch!

I could eat chocolate any time of the day and this nutritiously rich super filling satisfying chia pudding makes it a totally viable option.

I switch between accepting the texture of chia seeds in their chia pudding form and then just not being a fan. If I had to choose I’d definitely opt for the blended smooth option! The thing with this recipe is you can’t use a food processor. I would imagine a Nutri Bullet might work but I don’t have so I can’t be sure. Do report back if it works for you! I’ve also tried making this with already milled chia seeds and it just doesn’t turn out the same.

A high speed blender, I have a Froothie machine, works perfectly. I usually opt to leave the chia seeds soaking overnight but 4 hours or so will do the trick just nicely.

If you’re not a peanut butter fan, what is wrong with you?! I’m joking, kind of. You can use almond butter or hazelnut would work well too. The rich peanut butter flavour of the the Meridian Rich Roast shines through beautifully against the cocoa in the mixture.

I also made use of the new Pulsin Energy Supershake with cacao and maca hence I didn’t need to add too much maple syrup in order to achieve a nicely sweet pudding as it is sweetened lightly with stevia.

No fillers and loaded with B Vitamins, it’s the perfect energising compliment to any diet but notably those following a vegan approach. You can find out more about it over on the Pulsin site should you have an interest!

Print Recipe
Serves: 2 - 4 Prep Time: 10 minutes + Overnight


  • 80g whole chia seeds
  • 30g Pulsin Cacao Maca Supershake Energy Blend
  • 20g cocoa powder
  • 30g Smooth Rich Roast Meridian Foods Peanut Butter or Peanut Butter of choice
  • 125ml oat milk
  • 375ml water
  • 20ml maple syrup
  • To serve...peanut butter, dark chocolate shavings, yogurt or non dairy alternative of choice!



Place all ingredients into a large jug. Give everything a good stir, place into the fridge and leave to sit for one hour. Stir up to ensure the chia seeds aren’t clumping up and then return to the fridge for 3 hours or overnight.


Place the mixture into a high speed blender; you will not be able to create a smooth pudding in a food processor.


Blend for 5 minutes until the pudding is thick and smooth.


Divide between serving glasses or bowls and top with desired toppings. Can be kept in the fridge for up to three days.

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